Gail Sheehy Keynote Address 2016



“Daring: The Key to Success”

Gail will dramatize the many dares she has taken in her life, from crossing gender barrios as a “girl journalist” in her early 20s to writing in her 30s a culture-changing book, Passages, named by the Library of Congress one of the ten most influential books of our times, to dodging bullets on Bloody Sunday in Northern Island, to her own stirring romance and years of creative caregiving for New York magazine creator Clay Felker.

She threads personal narrative through historic events over the last 50 years. Poignant, funny, and uplifting, Gail’s one-woman show, complete with visuals, has been called a “true work of performance art.”

Meet Gail Sheehy

A world-renowned author, journalist, and popular lecturer, Gail Sheehy changed the way millions of women and men around the world look at the stages of their lives. Her influential 1976 book, Passages, invented a new way of thinking about the phases of adult life.

It was named one of the ten most influential books of our times by the Library of Congress. Passages remained on The New York Times Bestseller List for more than three years and has been reprinted in 28 languages.

Sheehy’s four other books on the passages theme revisit the stages of adult life with Understanding Men’s Passages; The Silent Passage (menopause); Sex and the Seasoned Women; and Passages in Caregiving.

Her journalism career goes far beyond her groundbreaking Passages series. In her 50 years as a writer, Sheehy has interviewed thousands of women and men and written 17 books.

She has covered national and world leaders and broken many cultural taboos.

She culminated a decade of following Hillary Clinton for Vanity Fair with the biography, Hillary’s Choice, exploring the personal ambitions and vulnerabilities that drive the world’s most public woman.

She has written about the character and psychology of presidential candidates from Robert Kennedy to Barack Obama and world leaders from Margaret Thatcher to Saddam Hussein.

Sheehy’s articles have appeared in a long list of national publications, including the New Yorker, and she has appeared numerous times on such TV programs as The Today Show, Good Morning America, World News Tonight, and Larry King.

Her most recent book is a memoir in which she turns her journalist’s eye onto herself with candor.
She says she hopes her memoir, Daring: My Passages, will inspire women to dream big.