San Miguel Prose Café

San Miguel Prose Café Presents:

Small Press Gems:
Lynda Schor, Peg Alford Pursell, Anita Felicelli

Thursday, April 1, 2021, 5:00–6:00 PM CST

Via Zoom

Pre-registration is required


San Miguel Prose Café

San Miguel Poetry Café Presents “Small Press Gems”

By Rosaleen Bertolino

Among the writers first published by small presses are Virginia Woolf, James Joyce, and Alan Ginzburg. Today, small, independent publishers continue to bring us risky, innovative, and wonderful work. Prose Café’s last season of the season features three such authors reading their work, followed by a question and answer session with the audience.

Lynda Schor is the author of five collections of short fiction, including The Body Parts Shop as well as Sexual Harassment Rules. Her prizewinning fiction and nonfiction has been published in many anthologies, magazines, and literary journals, including Playboy, GQ, and Ms. She has taught fiction writing at a number of colleges and universities, among them, Florida International University, Western Washington University, and the Pratt Institute. She was a faculty member of the Lang College of The New School for twenty-six years. Currently living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Lynda will read from DEARTH, her just-released first novel (published by New Meridian Arts).

Peg Alford Pursell is the author of A Girl Goes Into the Forest (Dzanc Books) and Show Her a Flower, A Bird, A Shadow, named the Foreword Book of the Year for Literary Fiction 2017. Her writing has been published in Connotation Press, Waxwing, Scoundrel Time, Joyland, VOLT, The Los Angeles Review, Woven Tales Press, and many other journals and anthologies. She is the director and editor in chief of WTAW Press, and lives in wine country in Northern California.

Anita Felicelli is the author of the novel Chimerica (WTAW Press) and the short story collection Love Songs for a Lost Continent, which won the 2016 Mary Roberts Rinehart Award. Anita’s short stories have appeared most recently in Air/Light, Alta, Midnight Breakfast, Massachusetts Review, Terrain, and Catapult. She regularly contributes book reviews to the San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Review of Books. Her other nonfiction has appeared in the NY Times (Modern Love), Slate, Salon, The Rumpus, Bustle, Electric Literature, and elsewhere. She is on the Board of the National Book Critics Circle. Anita lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her family.

San Miguel Prose Café is an all-volunteer organization presenting local and visiting writers, both established and emerging. During our current season online, registration in advance is required. Suggested optional donation is $5 US, which goes to support the San Miguel Literary Sala.

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