Poetry Café Bellas Artes presents
Cynthia McCloud, Ken Morrow

Thursday, February 17, 2019
5:00–6:00 p.m.

Sala Literaria at Bellas Artes, 1st Floor
Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramírez “El Nigromante”
Hernández Macías 75, Centro

Suggested Donation $100 pesos

Poems of Home and Beyond

By Maia Williams

On January 17th, Poetry Café Bellas Artes will mark the third anniversary of its founding by featuring three highly regarded local poets.

Cynthia McCloudBecause her father was in the Foreign Service, Cynthia McCloud grew up in several countries, including Chile, Uruguay, Peru, Canada and France.

After graduating from the University of British Columbia, Cynthia went to San Francisco where she earned a Master’s degree at Lone Mountain College (now part of the University of San Francisco). Lone Mountain published her poetry in a book called A Rare Bird Flies Past.

She has written all her life and is now working on a story about an experience in Oman where she lived for eleven years and taught English at the University.

Four years ago Cynthia left Oman and, with her cat, came directly to San Miguel de Allende where she had lived over 40 years ago with her aunt and uncle. She attended her first writing classes at Instituto Allende.

Ken MorrowKen Morrow set out to spend his life beating on things as a percussionist. Along the way the music got frozen into architecture. Now retired from that profession he busies himself thawing architecture back into music as a writer of program notes for classical performances and as a poet. Ken writes poetry under the pen name K M Howard to honor his father, Howard Morrow. Ken’s first collection of poetry, Uncertainty Principle, will be introduced at the reading.

Linda LainoLinda Laino is an artist, writer and teacher who has been making art in one form or another for over 35 years. Holding an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University, she enjoys playing with words as much as form and color.

Since 2012, Linda has resided in San Miguel de Allende where the surreal atmosphere and sensuous colors have wormed their way into her paintings. The last few years have found her making art at residencies around the world, most recently in Spain and France. Finding beautiful things on the ground is a favorite pastime. Some of her art and essays can be seen at lindalaino.com.

Founded in January of 2016, Poetry Café Bellas Artes meets monthly, September through April. This all-volunteer organization features local and visiting poets (established and emerging) sharing original work in a casual setting.

Please arrive a few minutes early. Seating is limited.

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